

Live video from a stand up comedy performance at Nottingham’s Pryzm venue in November 2023.

Bloke Box

Delusional mutterings direct from the man cave as featured on Upload, BBC Radio Nottingham.

Nige Dimmock was working from home years before it was a thing. Now, with his freelance IT consultancy dreams in tatters, he’s pimping himself out to potential employers in a series of excruciating online interviews involving actual speaking people.

He’s also coping (badly) with the pressures of parenthood and the psychotic attentions of his estranged cat who he’s convinced is out to get him.

Can Nige rise above his crippling middle-aged mediocrity, his children’s innate disappointment in everything he does and represents and his utter lack of self-awareness?

And if so … will he be wearing any undercrackers?

See more on YouTube channel here.